Frequently Asked Questions

Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy (or Pelvic PT) is a specialized type of physical therapy that treats bowel, bladder and sexual dysfunction through the musculoskeletal and neuromuscular system.

You no longer need a referral from your medical doctor to see a physical therapist – you now have what we call “direct access” to our services and you can just call to make your appointment. However, if you did get a referral script, please bring it with you to your first appointment.

NOTE: although you can see your PT without a referral, some insurance companies will only reimburse you if you received a referral from your medical doctor. Please contact your insurance company prior to your first visit if this is a concern.


Even one visit can provide the tools you need to be successful and meet your goals! Education is empowering and can create you to be successful and independent in a home exercise program that will be given to you on day one! Some may need up to 12 visits and it will be discussed during the evaluation how many visits is recommended and how many you would like to commit to! You are in control of your plan of care, ultimately.

Internal pelvic floor muscle examinations are the gold standard for understanding what is going on “down there.” Pelvic floor physical therapists have specific, high-level training to assess the muscles, nerves and connective tissues that make up the pelvic floor, and we do this by performing an internal exam of the vagina and/or the rectum, depending on what area we need to assess.
However, not everyone is comfortable with an internal exam, and that is okay. We can skip it the first session, or never do one at all depending on your comfort level. Discomfort, pain, fear, or simply not wanting it are all 100% perfectly acceptable reasons. There are several conditions that can be treated successfully using external techniques if you don’t wish to have an internal exam.
Before any external or internal exam, your therapist will show you on a model of the pelvis the muscles and structures we will be assessing. You will be asked to provide consent before any assessment or treatment, and most importantly, you can change your mind at any time. Your PT will leave the room for you to undress from the waist down and lie on the treatment table, covering yourself with the sheet provided. There are no stirrups or speculum involved in pelvic floor physical therapy. We use clean, non-latex gloves and first observe your pelvic floor muscles externally, assessing tissue quality and health, as well as muscle coordination, strength, endurance, tone and any prolapse.

NOTE: if you have never had a gynecological appointment, you will be asked to get one before we do any internal work.

However, not everyone is comfortable with an internal exam, and that is okay. We can skip it the first session, or never do one at all depending on your comfort level. Discomfort, pain, fear, or simply not wanting it are all 100% perfectly acceptable reasons. There are several conditions that can be treated successf

60 minutes for the first session and 30-60 minutes for follow-ups.

Yes. Menstruation does not affect pelvic floor muscle treatment in any way and can often decrease the discomfort you may normally experience during your period. If you do not wish to have any internal work done during this time, please let us know and we can reschedule your appointment!

Yes! Low back pain, round ligament pain, pubic symphysis dysfunction, tailbone pain, pelvic pain or sacroiliac joint dysfunction are all common conditions affecting pregnant women. There is so much we can accomplish externally and if warranted clinically, we can gently assess the muscles, nerves and tissues internally as well after the first trimester. We will also work on posture, core stabilization, strengthening and lengthening of your muscles. Depending on your knowledge and experience, we may also discuss birthing positions and exercises that will make labor and delivery easier for your body.
So whether you have aches and pains to address or simply questions or concerns about how to protect your pelvic floor during labor and delivery, a few visits during pregnancy can be a great introduction to the amazing support that pelvic health therapists offer women at this wondrous and powerful stage in life!
Please also be sure to tell us if you are pregnant or suspect you may be pregnant even if it is early on in your first trimester.
Internal work will not be provided during the first trimester.

Yes. If pelvic floor muscles are tight, in spasm, or uncoordinated, it can make it difficult for the body to welcome a pregnancy and allow for implantation. Pelvic floor PTs spend much more time with their patients than the typical gynecologist (usually 45-60 minutes compared to 10-15 minutes), and we can often pick up on muscular imbalances and nervous system issues that may be a contributing factor to your current inability to conceive.

Unfortunately, I’ve chosen not to enter into any contracts with insurance. Why? It’s the only way I can offer you longer treatment times and quality service so you heal faster, and in less visits, while getting the personalized care and attention you deserve. When was the last time a doctor spent more than 15 minutes with you? I will give you quality care, for a full hour without feeling rushed.

In terms of getting reimbursed for your visits, I will provide you with a detailed invoice (also known as a ‘superbill’) which you can submit to your insurance company. This means that even though you will pay the full fee upfront, you may be reimbursed a significant amount by your insurance after submitting the claim. It is up to you to establish your out-of-network benefits to determine your eligibility for reimbursement before your visit.

You will be provided with an invoice (also known as a ‘superbill’) after each visit. It contains codes that the insurance companies need to be able to provide reimbursement. Be sure to call your insurance company directly or check their website if you have questions about filing a claim, your claim status, or your EOB (Explanation of Benefits). They will let you know what your out-of-network benefits are, which form you should complete to submit your claim, and how long until you can expect the claim to be paid. We cannot guarantee that your claim will be reimbursed as every insurance company and plan comes with its own rules and regulations.

Yes, but no internal work will be performed under age 18. However, there are so many ways to treat conditions that don’t involve internal treatment. Such as education on healthy bladder or bowel habits to reduce unwanted symptoms.

Pelvic floor dysfunctions: prolapse (heaviness, pressure), constipation, abdominal pain, urinary incontinence, postpartum rehabilitation, diastasis rectus abdominis, fecal incontinence, urinary urgency, urinary frequency, pain with intercourse or tampon insertion, pain during pregnancy or preparing for pregnancy/labor or birth, difficulty breastfeeding or latching.

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